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2009 Oorah Auction $5 Prizes

Sunday, May 17, 2009 |

People like to searching This site provide Oorah Auction 2009 last chance to win the Oorah. Then pull up a chair and get ready to watch The Shmorg, Oorah's 2009 DVD. The Shmorg Sampler is available to view here, and it’s sure to satisfy any appetite for a well-deserved break.

The Oorah Auction only five steps to order your Oorah's 2009. First step is 'Auction Guide' for how to start the wheel of auction animation guide video. If you like skip this steps. Step 2 is '$5 Prizes' wishlist of Canon Camera, Canon Photo Printer, JVC Camcorder and more. All items are only $5 sponsored by The Irwin Sacks Irrevocable Trust.

Step 3 is 'Bonus Prizes' Get bonus prizes are $20,000 Shopping spree (Donate $36), $12,000 Make Wish (Donate $72) and $25,000 cash (Donate $100). Step 4 is 'Free Gifts for choose 1 free gift or 2 free gift or 4 free gift with donation required. Final step to order your Oorah auction to win.


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