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Bing search engine started by microsoft on 1st june 2009

Bing Web:

Bing index page - Search box with background image (Different images) is good idea. When you search any word, get search web results , you will see the mini orange circle (left side for every site) – which gives you a quick preview of the site (Text preview & Related to page).

Bing Image:

Bing image search similar to Google. But, You can alter image search, Use more options are Size, Layout, Color, Style, People. Some options are already available on more search engines, but 'People' option is new for Search engine. If you search person pictures, use 'People' options get only Just Faces or Head&Shoulders images. This is interesting new option.

Bing Video:

You can search video on bing, Get 15 video results every page. Just you point any video, automatically video is playing (Quick Preview). I think this is a amazing option on this search engine. Bing video search more options are length, Screen Size, Resolution and Source.

Bing News:

Get latest news web results with which time news posted on the site. You can also get RSS Feeds on the page.

Bing Maps:

Bing map search is similar to Google Maps. You can search for different results (Business, Collections, Locations) on the location.

Bing xRank:

A technology that keeps track of notable people and puts them in order for you. That is XRank used to provide your searched keyword categories and Releated Searches. For example, If you search "Obama" get releated searches are Barack Obama, Obama Muslim, Obama Video, Obama For President.


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